Career Services & Resources for Students

Career Assessments

Assessing careers and setting future goals has never been easier, thanks to various assessment tools designed to support every career planning and development stage.

Students can always schedule an appointment via Navigate to meet with a Career Advisor to review assessments or discuss other career-related issues.  |  Book an Appointment


Major & Career Exploration Resources


Employment Resources

College Central

The Career Center at Palm Beach State College has partnered with College Central to allow our students to secure employment while they pursue their education and after graduation. logo

Join College Central now and get access to create a resume/portfolio and search for employment opportunities.



Explore & Research Careers

Career Courses

Palm Beach State offers career courses to help students learn about their career interests, develop a career plan, learn interviewing skills, and more. 

  • SLS1300 - Career Self-Assessment: Learn about career interests, values, skills, personality and academic strengths. Identify occupations that are congruent with one's personal needs.  (1 Credit)
  • SLS1302 - Career Info & Decision Making: This course provides research selected occupations and college majors and develops a career and educational plan in a small group and independent study format. Use Career Center and community resources for research purposes and learn effective decision-making techniques. This course is for students who have completed SLS1300 or have three or four occupations in mind to research in detail. (1 Credit)
  • SLS1303 - Job Search: Learn the aspects of a complete job search campaign, including resume/cover letter writing, networking, professional etiquette, and telephone skills, interviewing, dressing for success, and the use of technology in the job search. (1 Credit)