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How do I apply for a Field Placement assignment?


You must follow the process outlined in the Field Observation Student Guide, and a) submit a placement request to obtain placement in a SDPBC public school OR b) follow the school district requirements of selected locations (Private, Charter or Other County - Broward, Hendry, etc.) listed on Other Field Observation Opportunities. Please click here: Martin County Schools for field observation placement. Practicum students can also complete their field observation hours with St. Lucie Public Schools.


What are the Pre-Service requirements to be placed at a Palm Beach County Public School?


The PBCSD no longer requires District ID Badges for Practicum and Field Observation students. Please click here for the PBC School District Pre-Service ID Requirements. Each time a practicum or field observation student visits a school, they will use Raptor System* and driver's license to sign in. The Raptor System will print out a new sticker (badge) for each visit and students are required by the school district to display their Palm Beach State College ID to identify as a Pre-Service Student.

*Please note students are required by the school district to show a valid driver's license or other approved form of government issued photo ID.


How do I secure my Palm Beach County public school (classroom) assignment?


Field Observation students need to complete an a FO Placement Request by visiting (spring FO placement request (survey link will be provided) and Practicum students will need to complete a Practicum Placement Request (survey link will be provided). Your placement request is submitted to the School District Pre-Service Placement Office. They in turn, notify Academic Services of your school assignment. Academic Services then notifies you through your PBSC email address of this assignment and outlines the next steps to take in order to secure a classroom assignment.

Once I am notified of my field observation assignment, what should I do?


Make contact with the Assistant Principal or contact indicated in your notification email no later than the next day (weekday). They have been notified of your assignment and are waiting to match you up with a classroom teacher.  Email the contact and follow-up with a phone call. You will need to fill out and sign the documents in the Pre-Service Program Packet which you will take to the school you were assigned for placement. When you arrive at the school, you will need to sign-in to the school's Raptor System. Please have the teacher sign your field observation/practicum log sheet to confirm your hours. Schools run on a very tight schedule and so do teachers and administrators. Respect their rules.


What if I am unable to keep a scheduled appointment?


You should always call the school and let the assistant principal contact know or leave a message for the teacher. Remember if you make a good impression, that school may be your next employer.

Do I have to adhere to the school's dress code when reporting for Field observation at the schools?


Most definitely, yes! You want to project yourself as a professional so dress appropriately. Leave the jeans, sweat pants, leggings (unless worn with a long shirt or tunic), baggy pants, pants that hang low revealing underwear, shorts, sleeveless shirts, halters, crop tops, t-shirts, sandals, flip flops and any flashy jewelry at home. Also, any attire that can distract from the classroom environment.