Opportunities & Security Process for Martin County Placement

Palm Beach State College has signed an affiliation agreement with the Martin County School District to place students needing field observation hours in Martin County public and charter schools. Students must complete the Martin County Student Teacher Clearance Request form within 2 (two) weeks of the start of the class, in order to complete the clearance process and be assigned to a classroom.


MCSD Placement & Security Requirements

College students who need fewer than 90 observation hours in a classroom need to complete a background check through the Martin County School District. When you fill out the Student Teacher Clearance Request form, you will see the instructions for scheduling your fingerprint appointment.

  • Once the Human Resources Department receives your satisfactory background results and clears you, HR will email you a clearance letter. Allow at least two weeks for making your appointment, for HR to receive your results and for HR to complete the clearance letter.
  • If you indicated on the Student Teacher Clearance Request form that you need help finding a place to complete your observation hours, then HR will notify you of the placement when emailing your clearance letter. You may then contact the teacher to introduce yourself.
  • For each new college course requiring observation hours, you will need to fill out the Student Teacher Clearance Request form for HR to assist you in finding a placement at a school only; you will not need new fingerprints each time.
  • Once the Human Resources Department receives your satisfactory background results and clears you, HR will email you a clearance letter. Allow at least two weeks for making your appointment, for HR to receive your results and for HR to complete the clearance letter.
  • If you indicated on the Student Teacher Clearance Request form that you need help finding a place to complete your observation hours, then HR will notify you of the placement when emailing your clearance letter. You may then contact the teacher to introduce yourself.
  • For each new college course requiring observation hours, you will need to fill out the Student Teacher Clearance Request form for HR to assist you in finding a placement at a school only; you will not need new fingerprints each time.


Field Observation Assignment Completion

  • As with all field observation, the student will complete a field observation log that the mentor teacher will sign off on and the student will turn in along with the rest of the field observation required assignments.
  • Observation is complete when all assignments, required documents and logs are turned into the course instructor. You should contact your instructor and confirm you have completed all tasks and assignments and confirm the date assignment due date.