Forms & Important Information


Proof of ID for Minors Form: Students under the age of 18 who do not have a valid photo ID to present for the purpose of obtaining a PantherCard may have this form completed by a parent/guardian. It must be submitted with a copy of the parent/guardian's valid government photo ID.

Card Management Center Deposit Form: This form is for campus representatives responsible for removing funds from card management centers.



Important Information

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Cardholder Terms & Conditions  


Use of the PantherCard

The cardholder agrees that their PantherCard is the property of Palm Beach State College and can be confiscated upon demand from bearer as a result of inappropriate conduct or abuse. Use of the PantherCard is subject to all terms, conditions, rules and regulations herein.

You must present your PantherCard at the time of use in order to obtain services. Your card and related accounts are non-transferable; any misuse or illegal transactions can result in privileges being suspended or revoked. Except as provided below, you are responsible for the usage of your card.

PantherCard Accounts

  • PantherCard accounts are an optional account of pre-deposited funds accessed by the cardholder for products and services. Funds cannot be withdrawn off the card at any time, except for withdrawal from the college or graduation. (See Closing Accounts, Refunds, Returns.)
  • Cardholder’s PantherCard accounts will be activated automatically upon an initial cash deposit of a minimum of $1.00 at any campus kiosk or online. The kiosks accept cash only and do not give change.
  • The cardholder understands and agrees that the PantherCard is not a credit card, nor can it be used to obtain cash or cash advances from the account under any circumstances.
  • If the cardholder's PantherCard account balance goes below zero as a result of the system or one of its readers being offline, the cardholder remains responsible for payment of those purchases. In the event of a negative balance, the cardholder will be notified via email stating the negative balance and the transactions that caused the negative balance. The cardholder will be given 30 days to pay the negative balance. If after 30 days the negative balance has not been reconciled, a hold will be placed on the cardholder's account in Workday, preventing registration and transcript requests. Students will be notified by email when the hold is placed on their Workday account and when the hold is removed.
  • Merchandise will be accepted for return according to the refund policy enforced where the goods and services were purchased. Cash refunds will not be made for returned merchandise that was purchased with the PantherCard. A credit will be made to the cardholder’s account.
  • Gift card purchases with any PantherCard account are prohibited.
  • The balance on a PantherCard account may not exceed $900.

PantherCard Bookstore Voucher

  • You must present your PantherCard at the time of use in order to obtain services. Your card and related accounts are non-transferable; any misuse or illegal transactions can result in privileges being suspended or revoked. Illegal usage can also result in criminal prosecution and academic sanctions as provided for in the Student Handbook. You are responsible for the usage of your card, including general terms of use and specific terms listed below for the bookstore voucher usage.
  • Cardholder’s PantherCard bookstore voucher privileges will be activated according to the schedule determined by the Office of Financial Aid.
  • The cardholder understands and agrees that the PantherCard bookstore voucher is not a credit card, nor can it be used to obtain cash or cash advances from the account under any circumstances.
  • If the cardholder's PantherCard bookstore voucher balance goes below zero as a result of the system or one of its readers being offline or a reduction in financial aid eligibility, the cardholder remains responsible for payment of those purchases. In the event of a negative balance, the cardholder will be notified via email stating the negative balance and the transactions that caused the negative balance. The cardholder will be given a 30 day term, or up to the last day of their academic term – whichever is shorter, to pay the negative balance. If after this grace period the negative balance has not been reconciled, a hold will be placed on the cardholder's account in Workday preventing registration and transcript requests. Students will be notified by email when the hold is placed on their Workday account and when the hold is removed.
  • It is strongly recommended that students track their balance availability and receipts at all times and note that any change in a student's enrollment or other Financial Aid eligibility factors can affect the allowance balances.

Error Resolution Procedures

  • If an error is noticed on any receipt or statement, contact the PantherCard Office no later than sixty (60) days after the error appears. If the cardholder reports the error orally, at 561-868-3567, a written conformation is required within ten (10) business days addressed to: Palm Beach State College - PantherCard Office, 4200 Congress Avenue, Lake Worth, FL 33461.
  • The cardholder should furnish the following information:
    • cardholder name
    • cardholder number
    • a description and dollar amount of the transaction in question
    • an explanation of the discrepancy.
  • The results of the investigation should be available within ten (10) business days of notification. If more time is needed the investigation may take up to forty-five (45) days. If an error is found, it will be remedied by Palm Beach State College, and documentation will be provided to the cardholder. If no error is found, a written explanation will be provided within three (3) days after the close of the investigation. Copies of the documents used during the investigation may be requested by the cardholder.

Closing Accounts, Refunds, Returns

  • Upon complete withdrawal from the institution, the cardholder may request his/her account be closed. The request must be in writing to the PantherCard Office.
  • The PantherCard Office reserves the right to close any PantherCard account that has been inactive for a period of twelve (12) months.
  • Refunds on accounts will be made for amounts over $10. Amounts under $10 will be considered abandoned property and may not be refunded.  Refunds will be mailed to the last known address within two (2) weeks of the closing request. All debts on the cardholder’s student account must be satisfied prior to a check being processed for a refund. Any negative PantherCard account balances will be charged to the cardholder’s student account, or billed directly to the cardholder.


If the point-of-sale terminal is equipped to provide a receipt, you will receive a receipt at the time of purchase. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to ensure the receipt is correct.

Activity statements can be generated upon request of the cardholder or via the online card office.

Effective Date of Agreement

These terms and conditions are effective immediately and remain so until written notification is published. Palm Beach State College shall post on the college website all changes affecting cardholder fees, charges, or liability at least twenty-one (21) days before the changes become effective. Prior notice need not be given where immediate change in a term and/or condition is necessary to maintain or restore the security of the system or account.

Card Eligibility & Appropriate Forms of ID


Who is Eligible?

  • Full-time students, also employed by the College, will receive both a student card and an employee card.
  • Faculty and full-time staff members will receive faculty/staff cards. If also enrolled as a student, a student card is issued as well.
  • In situations where this policy requires alternative card designation, the patron’s supervisor shall provide the PantherCard Office, in writing, with the correct designation. The PantherCard Office may also require confirmation from the Office of Human Resources.


  • Must have an application (credit or non-credit) on file.
  • Students who are eligible for a PantherCard must present a valid*, government-issued photo ID in order to obtain a PantherCard. Acceptable forms of ID include:
    • Driver's License
    • State Identification Card
    • Passport/Visa
    • Permanent Residence Card
  • Dual-enrollment students may present a high school ID and will be asked to answer additional verification questions.
  • Students under the age of 18 who do not have any form of identification may have their parent/guardian complete a verification form in place of photo ID and submit it with a copy of a valid photo ID from the parent/guardian.



  • Employee title must be listed within the PantherCard database in order for the card to be issued. Records with a title of "no assignment" or incomplete information in the title field are not entitled to receive cards.
  • Cards collected only if employment is completely terminated.
  • Employees who are eligible for a PantherCard must present a valid*, government-issued photo ID in order to obtain a PantherCard. Acceptable forms of ID include:
    • Driver's License
    • State Identification Card
    • Passport/Visa
    • Permanent Residence Card


Other Cardholders (to include third-party contractors)

  • Must complete "external individual" paperwork with Human Resources.
  • Must present a valid driver’s license, state ID card, passport or other government-issued photo identification.

*Note: ID must not be expired. Other government-issued forms of identification will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The name and date of birth on the ID must match the student or employee record on file or a PantherCard will not be issued.

PantherCard Photo Guidelines


In an effort to maintain consistency of the PantherCard photos and to ensure clear and accurate photos on file, the PantherCard office will abide by the photo guidelines established by the U.S. Department of State for passports.

Photos shall follow the following guidelines:

  • Taken in full-face view directly facing the camera
  • Headphones, wireless hands-free devices or similar items are not acceptable in your photo.
  • Hat or head coverings may only be worn if you wear it daily for religious purposes. Your full face must be visible and your head covering cannot obscure your hairline or cast shadows on your face.
  • If you normally wear prescription glasses, a hearing device or similar articles, they may be worn in your photo. Glare on glasses is not acceptable in your photo.
  • Dark glasses or non-prescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless you need them for medical reasons (a medical certificate may be required). This includes transition lenses. The pupils and irises should be clearly visible in the photo.
  • The U.S. Department of State provides examples of acceptable and unacceptable photos. Palm Beach State College will defer to the U.S. Department of State guidelines for passport photos when determining if a photo is acceptable for use as a campus ID.
  • The PantherCard staff member reserves the right to determine if a photo meets the standards set forth and to ask the student or staff member to take additional photos.

If a student or staff member chooses to dispute the request of the staff member at the carding location, the student or staff member may contact the PantherCard Office directly at 561-868-3567 or 561-868-3331.

PantherCard Fees

  • The initial PantherCard is included in a student's fees.
  • There are no transaction fees for purchase transactions or deposits.
  • There is a $10 replacement fee for lost, stolen or damaged cards. The fee can be paid via Emarket.
  • The replacement fee is waived for replacement of a card due to a documented name change.
  • The replacement fee may be waived for stolen cards if a police report is presented.


Lost, Stolen or Damaged Cards


Report immediately any lost or stolen card, or unauthorized card usage in person or by phone at 561-868-3567 during regular business hours. After hours, use the online PantherCard Office to report card lost/stolen.

In order to obtain a replacement PantherCard, the lost card fee of $10.00 must be paid via Emarket. The cardholder must present the receipt at the PantherCard ID station before a new card will be issued. The cardholder is responsible for all usage of the card prior to proper notification to the PantherCard Office. You may report any lost or stolen card, or unauthorized card usage, to the PantherCard portal (24 hours a day). Get instructions on how to access the portal.

If loss is reported within two (2) business days, cardholder liability will not exceed $50.00 in unauthorized charges. If a report is made within sixty (60) days, cardholder liability for unauthorized charges may be limited only to funds available in the account.

There is a $10 replacement fee to replace lost, stolen or damaged cards. The fee will be waived for a stolen PantherCard if a police report has been filed. Please have a copy of the report with you when requesting the replacement card.


Replacement Criteria


Palm Beach State College will issue only one PantherCard per individual. If possible, the original card should be returned for proper disposal when a new card is printed.

Replacement Fee: There is a $10 replacement fee for lost, stolen or damaged cards*. If you have an advanced technology card for door access, a $20 replacement fee will be charged. Fees can be paid via Emarket.

The fee may be waived for one of the following reasons:

  • Students who were last enrolled at the College more than 2 years prior to the current term.
  • Students with a card number (14-digit number on back of card) that begins with 000 will receive a free replacement. The old card must be turned in to receive a free card.
  • Students whose card was stolen and can produce a copy of a police report.
  • A name change has been processed through registration. The old card must be turned in and a valid ID with the new name must be presented in order to receive a free card.
  • A student's ID number was changed. The old card must be turned in and a valid ID  must be presented in order to receive a free card.

*All assigned privileges and balances will transfer to the replacement card. Fee may be waived if the card failed or deteriorated due to initial defect (as determined by the PantherCard Office personnel).

*Older PantherCards (including those with the Palm Beach Community College logo) are considered valid cards as long as there is a 14-digit card number listed on the back. Students will be charged the $10 replacement fee to obtain a new PantherCard if the card is considered valid.



Palm Beach State College will disclose information to third parties about cardholder accounts only:

  • In order to comply with court orders or other applicable laws.
  • If the cardholder gives the PantherCard Office written permission.

The College reserves the right to use the ID photo image for internal use for security purposes and with faculty class rosters. The Campus Safety Office may request an image file for reference.

Card Acceptance Confiscation


The PantherCard can only be accepted for debit account transactions from the individual identified on the card. In order to protect the cardholder’s account from unauthorized usage, it is the department’s responsibility to verify the PantherCard photo prior to the transaction.

PantherCards found in the possession of someone other than the cardholder should be confiscated and immediately turned in to the PantherCard Office or the Palm Beach State Campus Safety office.


PantherCard Use in LLRC & SLC Labs


The PantherCard serves many uses within the Palm Beach State College Library Learning Resource Center (LLRC) and the Student Learning Centers (SLC).


  1. Acts as student’s library card
  2. Allows access to the Pay-for-Print system

There are pay-for-print printers and copiers at each campus LLRC. Kiosks, where funds can be added to PantherCard accounts, are located at each campus.  |  Library Locations


  1. Access to the Pay-for-Print system
  2. Ability to add funds to PantherCard debit account
  3. Access to student labs

There are pay-for-print printers at each campus SLC location. Kiosks, where funds can be added to PantherCard accounts, are located at each campus. |  SLC Locations

Account Termination/Refund


The account holder may close the account at any time, providing the refund conditions are met, by giving written notice to the Palm Beach State College PantherCard Office, CRB 105, Lake Worth, FL 33461 and no longer using the card for any purchase. Requests for refunds should be submitted though Workday.

The College may terminate the cardholder's right to use the card for purchases. Any obligation of the account holder to make any payment or reimbursement to the college will survive account termination, and if a balance of $10 or more remains in the account holder's account after such termination and full satisfaction of all obligations of the account holder, the college may refund the balance.