Degree & Credential Completion

Start Strong, Finish Panther Stronger


Big Idea Statement (Strategy)

The Start Strong, Finish Panther Stronger campaign aims to enhance the success rates in MAC1105, MGF1106, and ENC1101 while remaining dedicated to upholding a culture of completion.  By the year 2026, our goal is to achieve a steady increase of 3% points each year in these courses.  Additionally, students will be required to complete at least one of the above general education mathematics and communication courses within their initial 20 college credits (where applicable).


Overview of Key Tactics

  • Develop intentional support services such as the Math & English Refresher Program (similar to Math Jump with support of work-study facilitators), PBSC First-Choice Program (admitting SDPBC senior class early), and collaborate with Summer Bridge and PALS programs.
  • Review and update existing Pathway Maps to support students being on-path for completing Mathematics (MAC1105 or MGF1106) and English (ENC1101) within the first 20 credits.
  • Utilize EAB Navigate for ongoing communication with students: celebratory milestones, kudos, tutoring nudges, advising reminders, etc.
  • Build a collaborative culture and strengthen relationships with internal and external stakeholders (OCPA, IRE, Panther Strong 2026 Teams, etc.)
  • Design accelerated degree-completion plans. 
  • Build a Withdrawal awareness campaign (i.e., Withdrawal Request).


Leading Measures

  1. Student Success in MAC1105, MGF1106, and ENC1101 in first term.
  2. Percent of Students repeating MAC1105, MGF1106, and ENC1101 in first term.
  3. Participation Rate of Student Experience Challenge. 
  4. Completion of Refresher Program.
  5. Reduction in Withdrawals.


Supporting Data

  • Students who attend the summer after high school graduation or participate in summer bridge programs complete at higher rates than students who do not (44% vs. 32%).
  • Students who pass both college-level Math and English courses in year 1 complete at higher rates than students who pass neither (58% vs. 5%).
  • Students who participate in dual enrollment complete at higher rates than students who do not (74% vs. 31%).


Team Leaders

  • Tunjarnika Coleman-Ferrell, Ed.D.
  • Destiny Keen, Ed.D.
  • Dana Hamadeh, M.Ed.