Teaching & Learning

Advance Teaching Excellence


Big Idea Statement (Strategy)

Cultivate high-impact teaching practices and immersive educational experiences that empower every student in their own academic and career success.


Overview of Key Tactics

  • Increase faculty usage of the EAB Navigate Early Alert System. 
  • Improve effective teaching practices by certifying faculty through ACUE.
  • Raise the ITIQ of faculty and students.
  • Implement Ai Across the Curriculum (AiATC).
  • Imbue principles of andragogy in 2000-level courses. 
  • Improve participation of Deans and Associate Deans in data coordination efforts related to the Quality Learning Improvement process.
  • Determine the most significant needs to improve student learning at the College.
  • Develop best practices for entrance readiness assessments.


Leading Measures

  1. ACUE Certification.
  2. EAB Navigate Early Alert Use.
  3. AI Credentialing.
  4. Participation in Quality Learning Assessment.


Supporting Data

  • Investing in instructional quality improves student retention, persistence, and success rates, which may positively affect net revenue (Brown and Kurzweil 2017).
  • Results suggest that 145 fewer students received DFW grades in their courses thanks to ACUE training conducted at the University of Arkansas Pulaski Tech in 2018. 
  • ACUE research from 2020 at Waubonsee Community College found that the predicted probability of course completion for students of ACUE Certified faculty was 1.5 percentage points higher in the post period than otherwise expected had faculty not earned the ACUE certificate.


Team Leaders

  • Roger Yohe, Ph.D.
  • Joshua Kanies, Ed.D.