Student Success

Expansion of the Panther Academic Learning Support Program (PALS)


Big Idea Statement (Strategy)

By 2026, we will increase equitable access for (PALS) support for MAT1033c and MAC1105 to over 800 students.  Full implementation of this strategy will result in an increase of course sections supported by 25% and an increase of participating students (3 or more visits) success rates by 20%.


Overview of Key Tactics

  • Build a larger pool of OPS candidates for tutor recruitment.
    • Marketing plan for faculty to recruit students
    • Review SLC hourly wages
  • Add a full-time math tutor to the online schedule.
  • Reevaluate and revise the PALS program for English classes (Year 2).
  • Professional Development for faculty on how and when to use the Navigate early alert system to identify students who need intervention earlier in the semester. (Consider adding an alert for PALS MAT1033c & MAC1105 to Navigate).
  • Implement Navigate Progress Report Campaign (week 3) for targeted populations to include (MAT1033c & MAC1105) (Consider adding an alert for PALS MAT1033c & MAC1105 to Navigate).
  • Create an SLC/CTLE partnership to provide professional development and training for faculty and advisors regarding the PALS program.


Leading Measures

  1. Equity Measures From Dashboard.
  2. Withdrawal Data (Gateway Courses).
  3. Student Success in First Three Weeks or Mid-Term.
  4. Student Success - 20% Improvement.
  5. MAT11 & MAT1033c Repeating Rate (Year 1).
  6. ENC101 Repeating Rate (Year 2).
  7. Intervention Effectiveness - SLC - PALS. 
  8. Percentage of Students who attended group tutoring who earned a C or better in MAT1100 & MAT1033c.


Supporting Data

  • The Student Learning Center reported that 77.27% of students who participated in a PALS group passed their class with an A, B, or C, compared to 56% of students who took the same courses but did not participate in a PALS group in the Fall of 2021.
  • The mean final GPA for students in a PALS group was 2.62 compared with 1.78 for non-participants.


Team Leaders

  • Van Williams, Ed.D.
  • Sheila Scott-Lubin, M.Ed.
  • Juanita Benjamin, M.B.A.